Infant Program

Beginning at 12 Weeks:

At Small Discoveries Preschool programs, in addition to holding and cuddling the infants, our teachers are constantly and consistently interacting with them to encourage their mental and physical development. Your child will learn to grasp toys, vocalize sounds, recognize pictures of familiar objects and acquire a variety of other skills.

Teachers work with each child in a series of stimulating activities that incorporate the natural routines of feeding and play. The teacher reinforces the babies’ development without disrupting their daily schedule.

  • Language & Literacy: Babies begin to understand sounds and words as teachers constantly speak, read and sing to them.
  • Social-Emotional: Teachers nurture and encourage infants developing sense of self.
  • Creative Expression: Infants learn to create and respond to sounds and are exposed to an array of colors, shapes and textures.
  • Mathematics: Teachers help infants understand spatial relationships by experimenting with actions and reactions.
  • Wellness: Teachers plan activities and offer toys that will help infants develop their coordination, mobility and fine motor skills.

Toddler Program

1-2 Years Old:

Toddlers at Small Discoveries Preschool have many opportunities to physically explore their world inside the classroom and outdoor space. At this age they also begin a more structured environment filled with activities such as learning centers and circle time. At this stage your toddler will begin learning concepts of color and size, and will build their vocabulary. Our teachers and assistants understand the challenges that one-year-olds face in social learning setting, and have experience in helping them adjust to the give and take of the classroom environment.

  • Language & Literacy: Books, songs and activities help children become comfortable with language, but also help grow their vocabulary.
  • Social-Emotional: Children start to develop basic self-help skills and begin to socialize by engaging in parallel play.
  • Creative Expression: Toddlers sing songs, move to music, and develop fine motor skills by painting and drawing.
  • Mathematics: Toddlers begin to recognize shapes, colors and numbers through toys, games and basic puzzles.
  • Wellness: Toddlers make major strides in balance, coordination and fine motor skills during their very active days.

Learning Beginner

2-3 Years Old:

Our Learning Beginner program for ages 2-3 years expands on the foundation established in the toddler program. We continue to introduce more routine and structure to children’s activities and daily schedule. Your child will carry on to build their vocabulary, learn functional numerical skills, and will be encouraged to use simple reasoning to explain everyday occurrences. At this age we introduce a Spanish-language program. Our daily activities continue to reinforce age-appropriate social development.

  • Language & Literacy: Children build vocabulary by discussing stories being read and begin to understand simple direction.
  • Social-Emotional: Teachers encourage independence as children learn to verbalize wants and needs. They will also learn about taking turns and sharing.
  • Creative Expression: Children will be exposed to toy instruments, create multi-sensory art, and engage in pretend play.
  • Citizens of the World: Children explore animals from around the world and learn Spanish vocabulary for colors, shapes, numbers, and greetings.
  • Mathematics: Your child will begin to explore number sets, experiment with textures, sort by colors and build reasoning skills.
  • Wellness: Children develop ball handling and body movement skills and their ability to manipulate smaller objects improves.
  • Science & Social Studies: Children explore texture and speed and identify community helps and members of their immediate family.


3-4 Years Old:

Children in our Intermediate programs are more secure and ready for a higher level of challenge. Our intermediates have ample opportunity to explore our learning centers and participate in dramatic play. Your child will learn to recognize letters and some letter sounds, add two groups of concrete objects by counting and begin to understand the concept of yesterday, today and tomorrow in their everyday routine. This well-rounded program also includes Spanish and we introduce Physical Fitness through Yoga in this age group.

  • Language & Literacy: Children experiment with different letter sounds and start to explore characters and story plots.
  • Social-Emotional: Group activities help children learn to follow directions, take turns and develop friendships.
  • Creative Expression: Children clap, move and sing songs; create art by folding, cutting and coloring; tons of hands on play and acting out lyrics to favorite songs.
  • Citizens of the World: Children explore the traditions of other cultures and learn Spanish vocabulary for farm animals, family members and numbers 1-10.
  • Mathematics: Children explore number concepts and practice comparing, classifying and measuring. They beging using number lines.
  • Wellness: Children practice fine motor skills with puzzles and improve balance through fun activities.
  • Science & Social Studies: Children perform simple experiments, learn about the weather, and compare personal characteristics.
  • Digital Interactions: Children are introduced to basic technology vocabulary and begin to use the mouse and keyboard.

Pre-K Program

4 years & up:

Our Pre-K program prepares children for kindergarten by teaching foundational literacy and math skills. Children learn letter-sound relationships, sight word recognition and basic mathematical functions. We also provide a character education program to nurture important social and emotional skills such as listening, understanding feelings and resolving conflicts. This well-rounded program encourages continued skill development in the arts and creative expression and also includes physical fitness and Spanish.

  • Language & Literacy: Children learn letter-sound relationships, sight words and the use of critical thinking skills to make predictions.
  • Social-Emotional: Children learn to express feelings verbally and to act appropriately. Character education is introduced.
  • Creative Expression: Children identify the pitch and tempo in music, created 3D shapes from clay, and act our familiar stories in sequence.
  • Citizens of the World: Children identify Spanish speaking countries on the globe and learn Spanish vocabulary for food, seasons and the five senses.
  • Mathematics: Teachers will introduce addition and subtraction, patterns, graphs, reasoning and problem solving.
  • Wellness: Children practice jumping rope, using hula hoop and accurately throwing a ball to a target.
  • Science & Social Studies: Children explore different species of animals, study various cultural traditions, and compare family traditions.
  • Digital Interactions: Children type their first and last names on the keyboard and explore changes in technology over time.